Summer Skin Care

By Ruth Hunter-Hill

Warm weather is here! Summer is a time when we feel freer and want to spend more time outside. And there’s something about how the sun calls us to come hither and enjoy the warm, long days after working through the colder days and nights of winter.

No matter what the season, we all need to follow a good skin care routine that’s appropriate for our own skin type. Our summer routine should be different from what we do in the winter, because our skin has different needs.

But let’s back up a bit. How do you establish a routine for daily skin care? Here are some tips.

• First, you need to know if your skin type is normal, oily, dry, or combination. Here’s an easy test to figure that out:

• Establish a skin care routine. Clean skin is healthier skin, and the skin on the face is not the same as that on the rest of your body. It deserves special care. Once you know your skin type, look for products for that type. Also, while it’s good to get recommendations from friends, be careful not to adopt their skin care routine. Your skin deserves a routine of its own, and be sure it includes gentle exfoliation and a good moisturizer.

• Adolescent hormonal changes can also affect your skin. This may mean adjusting the products you use (and how often you use them). Go with your skin’s flow!

• Summer skin care should change when summer temperatures arrive. Depending on your skin type, you may need to adjust your routine by adding lighter products that are less likely to clog your pours.

• Skin care isn’t just about what products to use. Healthy skin needs a healthy diet with plenty of water as well as good rest at night, along with an overall healthy lifestyle. And hydration is always important, but our body generally needs more when the temps go up.

• Finally, use sunscreen. Just as your skin care is customized for your face, you should use sunscreen that works best with your skin tone. Be mindful that this is the same skin you’ll be in for decades, and it’s important that you start taking care of it now and be consistent with it. Starting now will reap benefits for years to come! Here’s a good guide to help you determine what SPF is best for your skin tone:

You can start with the resources below to learn more about your skin and how to keep it healthy. And give your whole body a treat – not just your face. Use what works for you.

Now that you’re armed with information get out there and have fun!


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