Mental Health

By Lexi Wesley

Mental Health awareness seems to be arising and I believe that this is a topic that is very important. When we share our truths, stories, and experiences then we can experience freedom on the other side of it. It’s when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable then we aid in helping others realize that they too, are not alone in the trials that they face.

After graduating from college in 2018 I soon went on a journey that led me to greater self-awareness. In doing this, I realized that in order to operate at my best self I would have to go to therapy and talk to a licensed professional that could help me talk through things that I would battle mentally but would try to suppress. Feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and insecurity to name a few. With my therapist, I was able to get to the root of a lot of these things all while allowing myself to slowly heal in the process. It was during this journey that I soon began to see myself in a new light.

It was through therapy, that I was able to figure out my triggers and better apply biblical principles to my life. It was through therapy, that I was able to realize that there were parts of me that needed to heal & it was okay to express how I truly felt. It was through therapy, that my mental health became more of a priority in my life as I realized that I was no longer allowing the trauma from my childhood to hold me back from operating at my best self. It was through therapy that I realized that in getting to the root of my trauma and sharing with someone else all that I had gone through that I realized that there is victory in vulnerability and freedom and wholeness was on the other side of it.

I personally believe that mental health is something that should be taken very seriously. It’s when you put your faith to work, that you see positive results. Christ can heal us from all of our wounds and past hurts but he has also placed licensed professionals in place to help aid us in our healing process. I believe that it’s when we take that first step God can do his best work within us. You see, James 2:17 reads that, “faith without works is dead.” My advice to anyone thinking about doing something about their mental health is to go for it. Give therapy a try, and really prioritize your state of mind. When you allow yourself to work through all that life has thrown your way you then partake on a journey to becoming who Christ has wanted you to be all along. Though this journey may not be the easiest one you can rest in the fact that true peace and freedom are found on the other side of it.

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