Ten Tips To Lighten Up And Laugh

By Lexi Wesley
In living this thing called life, at times it’s easy to get caught up in everything going on around us. If we aren’t mindful, we may get caught up in our feelings of what we’re going through. There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging our feelings but it’s also important that we don’t sit and sulk in them when they aren’t very positive. Sometimes we all just need a reminder on how to lighten up and laugh. So, here’s ten tips on how to do JUST THAT!
First and foremost, let go of negativity. Perspective is so important and it can shape your whole day. For example, if you have a rough morning or a bad moment, it doesn’t mean you’re going to have a bad day. Don’t allow something small to determine everything else. Two, let go of your expectations. Expectations are great to have but when you allow yourself to have an expectation of “perfection” you’re sure to be disappointed when things don’t go as planned. Have expectations, but leave room for changes.
Number three, when mistakes happen laugh at yourself. It’s okay to mess up every now and then, like I mentioned earlier sometimes you may fall short of that expectation of “perfection.” Laughing at ourselves, allows us to seek the good and humor in things. That brings us to number four, not only should we laugh at ourselves, but we should hang out with people that make us laugh. They too, can help us to find the humor and good in life so we don’t grow to be too uptight. Another way to get a good laugh in is by watching a funny movie, it’s a guaranteed laugh and time to yourself to really wind down.
In spending time alone, you’re then able to work on yourself and see areas that you should exemplify more grace to yourself and other allowing room for growth. Operating in grace not only allows you to gain strength as a person but it also allows you the opportunity to extend forgiveness to yourself and to others.
Forgiveness allows tension to decrease, allowing for better moods. Number nine, adjust your environment. We should always be mindful of the company we keep, but if we’re around people that are like minded they can help hold us accountable. Lastly, don’t force it. Live life and truly live it. Find the humor & joy in each day.

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