It’s Not About the Dress? (PROM)

By Ruth Hunter-Hill
Attending the prom is an exciting chapter in the life of a high school student. Although the biggest focus seems to be on what to wear (the color, the style, the length, how much it cost, socks or no socks, tux or no tux), it really is a time to practice social skills and appropriate behavior. For most students attending prom, your parents won’t be attending. This is a good time to show responsibility and to practice behaviors needed in social settings, and to show your parents they can trust you even when they are not around. Besides a wedding or a quinceañera, prom is one of the few times you are dressed for a formal occasion. It is the time between your childhood and when you become an adult, and it is a unique way to celebrate. Prom is the event that leads up to graduation, and is something that many high school students look forward to attending.
Prom is an abbreviated version of “promenade,” which is to formally walk around while people are looking at you in a formal setting. When proms began, it was to promote social etiquette and manners. Because it is a formal event, you have the chance to show your fashion style outside of school, which can give you confidence to be who you are. Because it is a social activity, you don’t have to go with a date. It can be fun to go with a group of friends and enjoy the remaining time you have together before going off to college, the military or your new career.
The emphasis for prom is fun. Enjoy the time, and don’t feel pressured to do something you wouldn’t normally do. How much fun is too much? Because you are under the legal drinking age, alcohol should not be a part of the night. Be sure to adhere to the rules set by the school as well as your parents. Attend events that are safe, and stay away from unsupervised parties. Enjoying great music and having fun with friends should be the purpose of the night without getting into trouble and endangering your reputation or your life. Stay safe by going places with friends, and don’t put yourself in dangerous situations. Wear clothing that’s comfortable for you, and don’t try to be someone you are not, or try to be like someone else. Embrace your unique style. Regardless of what you wear or with whom you attend, make prom a happy memory that lasts forever.

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