The Black Family: Representation, Identity and Diversity

There are many layers in the explanation of the Black family. It involves support and love, and includes relatives related by blood, along with church members, organizations, and those that are close or lifelong friends. The Black family represents a sense of pride, and is both powerful and strong. One defining characteristics is the diversity of the Black family. No one family looks exactly the same, whether it’s skin color, accent, languages, or even the food. We live in different parts of the world, in different locations; some living affluently while others live in poverty. 

Being part of a Black family means you belong; supporting each other, spending time together, and working together to both become better people and to make the world better for future generations.  The Black family is a community of people who, even if they disagree with one another, will not let outsiders cause strife within the community. Being together is part of the identity of the Black family. Celebrating milestones, such as holidays, birthdays, graduations, births and even deaths allows the family to become even closer. When identifying the Black family, it is important to realize that Black may be just your race, but can also be your ethnicity. 

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