Skin Care Routine for Teen Girls/Boys

By Evetta McGriff
It does not matter if you are a boy or a girl; you need a skin care routine. Girls may have more steps in their routine, but even boys need to ensure they are taking care of their skin. Skin care routines usually begin when the skin shows signs of being oily or you notice acne and breakouts. Teenagers have to deal with issues of acne, blackheads, and oily skin, which can be due in part to changes in their bodies. Although everyone’s skin reacts differently to the hormonal changes, keeping your face clean is universal.

Your skin care routine will look different based upon your skin type. First, you should determine whether your skin type is oily, dry, combination (oily and dry), sensitive, or normal. Using blotting paper helps with figuring out your skin type. You will use gentler cleansers or fragrance-free cleansers if your skin is more sensitive or you have allergies. Be sure to use an actual cleanser and not just soap, which may be a little too harsh for your face.

Before touching your face, make sure your hands are clean. Clean your face at least once a day with a gentle cleanser. If your skin is oily, you will need to cleanse twice a day. If you wear makeup, remove it first before cleansing. If possible, wash your face before you exercise or play sports. Always wash off makeup before going to bed by using makeup removing cloths. Do not go to bed before washing your face, even if you have not worn makeup.

Cleansing before bed removes the things that you may have gotten on your face throughout the day. Eliminate dead skin from your face by exfoliating, but be gentle and only do it once or twice a week. Don’t forget your lips. Use a lip scrub and moisturizer on them. If you have problem skin, be sure to see a dermatologist, who can select the best products for acne and any other skin breakouts. If pimples or “zits” appear on your face, do NOT pop them! This can cause more damage to your face. Instead, use products that can drain the pimples safely.

You can also apply a beauty mask to help tighten your pores and brighten your skin. Only apply a mask once or twice per week and before you put on your moisturizer. Use moisturizer on your skin to protect it. Protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen. This is important for all skin types and skin tones. Use a sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 30 and apply it in the morning. If you wear makeup, don’t share it with others, especially eye and lip products to avoid germs. You should also clean your brushes on a regular basis and replace old makeup.
Your skin is an important part of your body. Taking care of your body will also help take care of your face. Watch what you eat, exercise, drink more water, and find ways to reduce stress.

Source: Everyday Health, Seventeen

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