10 Makeup Mistakes Every Teen Makes

By Ruth Hunter-Hill
There’s something about wearing makeup that makes us girls feel even prettier, right? It can help even out skin tones and add a bit of pizazz to our look. Or it can entirely change the look of one’s face.

Some young people start wearing makeup as early as 11 years old, while others wait until high school. It’s important that you start when you are ready. When you do start wearing makeup, consider the tips below to avoid making common mistakes. Don’t forget that “more” is not necessarily “better” when it comes to makeup. Wearing too much makeup too soon can affect your skin for the short-term, and often for the long-term as well.

Here are some common makeup mistakes made by teens, and my tips for avoiding them.

  1. Not properly caring for the face. Skin care must be your primary and underlying goal. Always start with a clean face. During adolescence, the body faces ongoing challenges as you grow and hormones fluctuate. Also, a healthy diet and regular exercise are good for the whole body, including the skin.
  2. Failing to moisturize. Keeping our skin protected is important. Moisturizing helps the skin retain its elasticity and youthful look and feel. Be sure to include plenty of water in your healthy diet!
  3. Wearing too much foundation. Some choose to wear foundation, and that’s fine for some. However, why not consider a tinted moisturizer. It has a hint of color and allows your skin to breathe.
  4. Failing to moisturize lips. Lips need special treatment. Many things can cause dry skin and lips, including certain medications and lack of a healthy diet. Research what’s best for your lips.
  5. Wearing too much makeup. Every face has its own natural beauty, so don’t cover it – flaunt it! Focus on enhancing what you think are your good points.
  6. Wearing event-inappropriate makeup. Just as we choose clothes that are appropriate for a given event, we should do the same with makeup. You wouldn’t wear an evening gown to do grocery shopping, right?
  7. Wearing age-inappropriate makeup. Don’t use makeup to try to look older. Besides, older women often pay big bucks for products that promise to help them get their youthful skin back!
  8. Copying the makeup style of others. Be careful when copying someone else’s makeup style. Consider that that look is good for her face and lifestyle and may not look the same on you.
  9. Not using quality products. It’s not a good idea to get your makeup at the dollar store. Research products that are right for you and your skin. Then you can save for the products yourself, or maybe your parents will help you. Less expensive products sometimes contain chemicals or other ingredients that may be harsh for young skin.
  10. Giving in to pressure to wear make up when you’re not ready. Like so many things in life, wearing makeup is a choice that you get to make. Your reason for wearing (or not wearing) makeup should be based on what you and your parents agree to – not to please someone else.

It’s wise to first talk with your parents about wearing makeup. Make sure you’re all on the same page regarding when, what kind, and how much makeup you can wear. Perhaps you can research together to determine style and colors that are appropriate for your age, lifestyle, skin type. Have fun with it!

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