College Tips to Succeed

By Lexi Wesley

It’s almost that time for the school year to begin again! If you’re headed off to college for the first time you’re getting ready to embark on a brand new journey. Some may be full of excitement and anticipation while others may be nervous to be leaving home for the first time. Either way, you’re in for a treat. College is where you’ll learn the most about yourself and where you’ll make friendships that will last a lifetime.

I’ve been out of school for two years now and it’s crazy to think how fast time flies in school and out, so be sure to take in every moment. College is a lot of fun and it comes with a newfound freedom, so be sure to remain responsible as you venture out on your own. College is nothing like the movies make it seem, so if you’re expecting some Hollywood film experience you may end up disappointed. It’s important to remain true to who you are and not give in to what everyone else may be doing around you. Remember why you’re at school and that’s to get an education, don’t allow distractions to deter you from your ultimate goal of receiving your diploma. There will always be a party so it won’t hurt to miss one when you have a test to study for. If you don’t take care of your business, it will surely take care of you. College isn’t hard so be sure to apply yourself and put the work in and you’ll achieve all that you’ve dreamed.

Campus involvement is SO important. There’s a club for just about anything and if there’s not one that interests you, you can always get a group of friends together to start one. With involvement comes learning how to balance, so be sure to manage your school work and all of the activities that you decide to partake in.

When it comes to picking classes, do your best to stay away from those 8 a.m.’s because waking up early for high school is just way different than college.

Get to know your professors and go to their office hours, it definitely plays a role when it comes to your final grades and you’re desperately wanting that grade bumped. Go to class, go to class, and go to class! You can skip because no one is making you go, but since you’re paying you might as well get up so you aren’t missing any important information that’s discussed. Attendance also goes into consideration when it comes to final grades.

Find your tribe of people when you get there and be sure to hold each other accountable. You want to surround yourself with a good group of people to associate with. People that share the same interests as you and have the same plans as you to be great. As Proverbs 27:17 states, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” Associate with people who will hold you accountable, you know the ones that aren’t afraid to upset you when it comes to telling you what is right. If you’re the only person in a friend group with a certain set of morals and values it won’t be long before you begin to compromise who you are conforming to fit in. 1 Corinthians 15:33 states, “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.” So be sure to watch the company you keep.

Enjoy college and tackle every opportunity that comes your way. Keep God first and he’ll help you to succeed!

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