A Guide to Standing Up for Yourself

By Evetta McGriff
Sometimes we are placed in situations that require us to use our voice and stand up for ourselves. Do you know how? If you are a people pleaser, and don’t want to be a part of any conflict or disagreement, you may not know how to do this. It requires confidence and assertiveness, and believing in your worth. You have to speak up for yourself. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it.

Having confidence is one of the number traits you need in order to stand up for yourself. This means having a strong voice and believing in yourself. Confidence is inside of us, and is visible only when we work at it. You have to practice, especially if this isn’t something that comes natural to you. Look in a mirror and practice what you are going to say, paying attention to your voice and your posture-don’t slouch! When you are standing up for yourself, you don’t have to yell or be rude. Your voice is calm and you are polite. Be direct and straightforward in what you are trying to say. Tell people what you want and how you want it. Be assertive in stating what you want, but don’t be aggressive or mean. Leave anger out of it. Anger will cause you to lose control and become emotional. When this happens, you may not be taken seriously in what you are telling people you want.

Sometimes you have to say “no” and it may not be easy. If you are standing up for yourself, that means you are also protecting your time. If people think you are a pushover, they might take advantage of you and get you to do things for them that they don’t want to do. Speak up for yourself if there is something you do not want to do. This is another way to keep your power. You give it away when you don’t speak up.

Standing up for yourself means you are requiring respect from others, and you are not allowing anyone to control or manipulate you. If you are new at this, it will take some time. You can’t change overnight. You must believe in yourself. Your attitude determines how other people see you and how you see yourself. You have to demonstrate the confidence you have inside of you through your voice, words, body language, and facial expressions. Be assertive, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.