Unhealthy Patterns with Drugs and Alcohol

By Corinne Dorsey

To ensure that you and your loved ones are properly understanding the impact of drugs and alcohol, then it is essential to understand the signs of addiction. From the behavioral, physical, and psychological aspects of addiction, Teen Graffiti has a list of patterns of drug use that can help indicate a problem.

One of the first noticeable patterns regarding drugs and alcohol are behavioral signs. Behavioral Signs are seen through a person’s relation to the world.
1. Obsessive Thoughts and
2. Loss of Control
3. Disregard of Harm Caused
4. Denial of Addiction

Another one of the patterns to pay close attention to are the physical signs. These patterns usually occur during drug use, overdose, or as a result of withdrawal. Here are a few physical signs to look out for when spotting addiction.
1. Insomnia
2. Weight loss or gain
3. Bloodshot or small/enlarged pupils
4. Looking unkempt
5. Slurred Speech

stand the patterns of addiction, we have five ways to help prevent drug abuse. Teen Graffiti understands that all situations differ, but these tips can be useful to prevent future drug use.

  1. Learn effective tools to help teens deal with peer pressure:
    Peer pressure is notorious for being the biggest cause of teenage drug use. In these particular cases, the best way to cope with these situations is to find positive reinforcing friendships and effective ways to say ”no”, if a situation doesn’t seem right.
  2. Seek help for mental illness
    Drug use often has triggers connected to mental illness, to overcome this, those suffering from mental illness should seek help from a trained professional for treatment.
  3. Attempt to examine the risk factors at stake
    Take a look at the history of drug use associated with society, or the history of substance abuse in your family history.
  4. Keep a busy and well-balanced life
    Try to stay busy. Drug use often can come from boredom or an unhappy portion of their lives. To combat this seek out the bigger picture of life and try to sort out priorities.
  5. Understand how to handle life pressures
    Try to give yourself a moment of relaxation. People are often overwhelmed and overlooked, to prevent drug use to seek out ways to handle stress and unwind.


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