The Best SAT/ACT Test Strategies

Evetta McGriff

Preparing for the SAT and ACT tests can sometimes be stressful, but there are some strategies to help with your preparation. There are online tests available to practice before you take the actual test. Some of the practice resources, like Kahn Academy, are free, while others, such as Princeton Review, charge a fee. Go directly to the SAT and ACT websites ( and ) to find more information. You can also purchase hard copy study guides, which also include practice tests.

Here are strategies to help with your test preparation. The most important strategy is to start studying as soon as you can. Don’t cram for the test. You should also familiarize yourself with the structure of the test before testing. It is important to use the practice resources to be more comfortable with the test setup. When taking the test, choose a good reading strategy. You may want to either read the questions first or skim the passage. Manage your time wisely.  Don’t spend too much time on one question so that you don’t run out of time. If your test is hardcopy, write in your test book. If it is online, use scratch paper. Answer the easy questions first, because they will take less time. A good approach to the more difficult questions is to eliminate as many of the wrong answers as you can. Remember there is only one right answer. When you narrow down the answers and are still unsure of the right answer, it is okay to guess. Before answering a question, read the question and answer choices carefully. And don’t change an answer, unless you are sure you’ve made a mistake. Second guessing yourself may cause you to change a right answer.

When taking the reading portion of the test, look for direct evidence in the passage to support right answers. Read the entire passage, including the introductions and captions underneath photos and charts.  For the math portion of the test, underline key parts in the question. This helps you to avoid getting confused while doing calculations. Memorize the formulas you need for the test. You can find the formulas on the online resources. For the writing test, memorize grammar rules.

Choose the best study method for you and practice as much as you can. Reviewing the practice tests allows you to find sections of the test that you are making the most mistakes. The night before the test, don’t study too much. Get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the test and do your best.


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