15 Facts about Sexual Abuse

By: Detra Brown

When seeing the title of this articles, it’s conceivable for one to become fearful and apprehensive. No need to fear or worry. The objective is to provide you with information, so you are safe and knowledgeable on the subject. With this in mind, here are 15 facts about sexual abuse.

  1. Abuse can happen to anyone. The face of survivors of abuse comes in all shapes and sizes. Many assume that abuse is relegated to a specific age, ethnic group, or gender. People even assume that if they live in a certain zip code, they are protected from abuse. This is not the case.
  2. Sexual abuse in any type of sexual activity that you don’t provide consent for participation including inappropriate touching, penetration (vaginal, anal, or oral), intercourse that you’ve said no to or wasn’t able to consent to, rape, attempted rape, and child molestation.
  3. Sexual abuse can be verbal, visual, or anything that forces you to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention.
  4. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18.
  5. About as many as 50% of victims are abused by someone outside of the family who they know or trust.
  6. Victims of sexual abuse are more likely to experience major depressive disorders as adults.
  7. People who abuse others look and act like everyone else. Just as there are no characteristics that point to someone as a potential victim, the same is true for the abuser. Be mindful of who is in your presence.
  8. If you’re under the influence of any substance, you’re unable to consent to any activity, including sexual ones. No one has the right to assume consent. Assumptions equate to violations.
  9. Most college victims are assaulted by someone they know.
  10. 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted in college while the same happens to 4% of men.
  11. Only 5% of sexual assaults on college campuses are reported, making sexual assault the most underreported crime.
  12. Campus perpetrators are often serial offenders.
  13. 40% of rape survivors develop sexually assaulted sexually transmitted diseases as a result of sexual assault.
  14. 4 out of 5 survivors subsequently from chronic physical or psychological conditions.
  15. Rape survivors are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than people who have not been victims of a crime. If sexual assault happens to you, seek help immediately. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. You didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t allow the perpetrators to win by taking your life. You can survive and soar despite the assault.

Stay safe and know that you have power.


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