Jump Start the Semester and Keep the Momentum Going All Year!

By Evetta McGriff
There are so many things to remember at the start of a new semester. The best way to keep things together and keep the momentum going to end the school year on a good note is to make plans. Refocus for the new semester and set goals for a successful remainder of the year. Get organized and get ready for the new semester. Double check dates to ensure you know what assignments you have coming up in the future. At the end of the previous semester, your exams may have caused you some fatigue and you couldn’t wait for the semester to end. Now it’s time to recharge and prepare for the next semester.
You will need to change your mindset and avoid believing you can just coast through the semester. You must put in the same effort in this semester as you did at the beginning of the first semester. Review the previous semester and think about what worked, and what didn’t; what went well and then what did not go so well.
Think about any projects you must do and get started right away. Don’t procrastinate and wait until the last minute. Start the semester off with excitement and hit the ground running. Allow enough time to take breaks, especially when finishing a large project or paper. Make sure to get enough sleep. You need proper rest in order to have a clear mind to take on the adventures of a new semester. Your thoughts have a lot to do with how you feel. Focus on positive thoughts and ideas to continue with your successful semester. Positive words bring about positive energy and positive results.
If you are a college student, be sure to register for your classes early, purchase books, and any supplies you need. After receiving your class schedule, walk the campus to ensure you know where your classes are before they begin. Be sure you have applied for scholarships and submitted all the necessary paperwork. If you are graduating, pay attention to the dates for graduation.
Starting strong is easy, but keeping the momentum going is the hard part. Staying focused on what you need to accomplish and choosing to think positive instead of complaining will help you make it through the semester. Think back to the feelings you experienced at the beginning of the previous semester and channel those feelings for the new semester. Enjoy your favorite subjects, work hard on those “not-so-favorite” subjects, challenge yourself to do better, learn something new, and make yourself proud.