Friendships and Relationships: The Benefits of Teen Friendships

By Lexi Wesley

No matter what age you are, friendships and relationships are a vital part of life. It is so important that you don’t do life alone because so many benefits come from doing life with other people. Benefits such as, a strong support system, positive influences, and people you can count on to travel and explore the world with. Studies have shown that friendships help create better self-esteem, they lower rates of anxiety and depression, they help foster an optimistic outlook on life, and for others it creates a longer life expectancy.

I for one, know that my life is much better when I nurture my relationships instead of allowing myself to fall into isolation. Community is an essential part of this life we live, and as a Christian it’s important. Jesus didn’t do life alone and neither should we. When you are in a relationship with others they can point out things in you that you may not necessarily see. Whether it is good traits or bad traits they can help cultivate them into something way better. Friendships are important because when you need some encouragement and you begin to doubt yourself or your capabilities you realize that your support system will remind you of who you are and all that you’re capable of doing. When you are at a point to where you can’t seem to speak life into yourself they’re the ones that will do it for you.

When you surround yourself with like-minded individuals you can expect yourself to flourish into all that God has created you to be. Friends that are pursuing their purpose won’t let you fall short of pursuing your own. They will help hold you accountable, making sure that you accomplish each and every goal you set out for yourself. They will pray with you and for you, standing in agreement with all that God has placed on your heart. They’ll help keep you in line if at any point in time you begin to forget who you are. Most importantly, they won’t let you fight any battle alone. When you are in a relationship with others, you are prone to becoming a much better version of yourself. They’ll encourage you to dream bigger and strive to reach greater heights. They’ll be your biggest supporters, cheering you on in all of your endeavors and celebrating you in all of your milestones and accomplishments. When it comes to building relationships there’s so many benefits that come from them when you surround yourself with like-minded individuals, so that you never get stagnant or complacent as they’ll know there’s always room for growth.