Finding Self Esteem and Spirituality Within

Lexi Wesley

It is so important to know who you are as a person and who you are in Christ. Your self-worth & spirituality seemingly go hand in hand with one another. It’s not until you find who you are in Christ that you realize your true self worth.

Upon moving back home after graduating from college, my spirituality became more important to me as I wanted a stronger relationship with Christ. In rebuilding my relationship with him, I have slowly regained a new sense of self-worth. In finding myself in his word I keep myself grounded in scripture like 2 Corinthians 5:17 that states, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come.” This verse is just a simple that reminder that when we become one in him, we repent and turn from our old nature that we are no longer our former selves but new creations in Him.

It’s very easy to feel like your less than in a world where many seek validation from people and the amount of likes they get on social media. When you find your worth in Christ you realize that nothing else matters because you’ll begin to view yourself through His lens. When our worth is in Christ we begin to walk and talk with more confidence then usual, which some may call God-fidence.

If his word says we’re more precious than rubies {Proverbs 31:10} and that we’re fearfully and wonderfully made {Psalm 139:14} anything that tries to go against that is invalid. When you wholeheartedly believe what his word says about you, it becomes hard for you to be shaken and easily moved.

It’s important that we fill ourselves with his truth and we can only do that by spending time in his word and in his presence allowing him to tell us things we may not know {Jeremiah 33:3}. It is in his presence that we strengthen our relationship with him allowing him to pour into us so that we may radiate a light that only He can give. This also enables us to pour into those around us, all that he has poured into us.

Pastor Steven Furtick says, “you will never think you have enough of anything until God within you is enough.” When we are deeply rooted in Christ, we then realize that we are never not enough. If you are looking for value in things of this world or the people in it, you will be sadly disappointed. We should become so lost in Christ  that God is able to shine a light on all of our insecurities, fears,  and worries filling us with his perfect truth so that we can walk with confidence and boldness and becoming all that Christ has intended for us to be.

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