When saying ‘no’ is not enough

By Sharron Pete

In the 1980s, ‘Just Say No!’ was a popular phrase developed to give students a way to respond to the peer pressure they faced to do alcohol or drugs. First lady Nancy Reagan helped coin the term as part of a larger plan to combat the War on Drugs.  The slogan made its way onto daytime talk shows, documentaries and even popular television shows. It was known nationally and internationally and received backing from large groups such as Girl Scouts of America. With all of the popularity and support of the slogan, there is no conclusive evidence that arming students (and others) with it was effective in preventing drug or alcohol abuse.  While saying ‘no’ is a good first step; it may not be (or seem to be) enough to get the point across. When the pressure persists after you’ve said ‘no’, how do you handle it?


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