The True Pink

breast-cancer-pink-ribbon-pin-3844The month of October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in which organizations such as the American Cancer Society and other organizations collaborate and host an array of activities throughout the month to celebrate cancer survivors.  Although there are other months throughout the year that recognizes cancer awareness, this month has been specifically designated to educate, promote, and increase awareness as demonstrated in its growth and successes throughout the years.  Yet, the need for increased awareness remains as more lives are impacted by cancer and more individuals succumbed to this disease.  What is even more important in the mission of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is that everyone can take part in the fight against cancer.  Teens such as Tyanna Moss, a 14 year old High School Freshman,  has expressed her interest in learning more about its effects, what happens, cures, and how she can become more involved.  National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a perfect opportunity to celebrate cancer survivors and to actively participate in its victories.

We had the opportunity to get the inside scoop from al hero and cancer survivor, Jeanette Jones.   Jeanette Jones was diagnosed with bone cancer over 10 years ago in which she had to undergo a knee replacement, chemo, and radiation.  Her story has touched, inspired, influenced, and educated others.  She testifies “her victory is a result of her faith in God in which she remains to be a solider and fighter for Christ”.  Many of her nieces, nephews, and other teens that have been a part of her life are grateful for her fight in defeating cancer as they demonstrate how their lives would have drastically changed had she succumbed to cancer.  Her story identifies the need to fight, exert strength, demonstrate endurance, determination, and unwavering faith during this journey.  Although new discoveries are disclosed on a daily basis and remains to be a topic for further research, Jeanette suggests old good rules of thumb to include:  ensure you get your regular checkups, annual physicals, and visiting your doctor for any unusual ailments or pains.  Furthermore a positive attitude, prayer, belief, and determination will get you through this battle.  She encourages teens to increase awareness, retain information about smoking, understanding the impacts of things you put into your body such as processed foods and saturated fats, and practicing good habits such as eating right and exercising.

Maybe your life has been impacted by cancer or you may know someone that has had cancer or has succumbed to cancer.  Regardless of how you may be impacted by this month, remember to take a moment and reflect upon the true meaning of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, who knows, you may be inspired to become more active in someone else’s victory!


By Brandi Hale