Author Archives: sharon

True Love Respects

By Michelle Stimpson
I fell in love for the first time at the tender age of fourteen with a guy whom we’ll just call “Dante.” Though my parents and other adults teased me and told me it was puppy love, I disagreed with them. I loved me some Dante, and I was convinced that he and I would be together forever. Well, we weren’t together forever, but we remained friends for many years. He even paid for my first piece of furniture when I moved into my college apartment.

One of the things I remember most about the relationship with Dante is how much he respected me. True, sometimes we’d get on the phone and start talking about things we had no business discussing, but we never acted on those romantic ideas. Years later, when we were both adults, I asked Dante why he never tried to get me to have sex with him like so many other guys tried when I was a teenager. He got quiet for a minute as he thought about the response. Then he answered,…

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Check Your Skin, Save Your Life

(Family Features) While it might not be the first thing on your to-do list, prioritizing regular skin checks could save your life. Though a trip to the gym wasn’t uncommon for John Ahern, the bruising he noticed after a particularly … read more

Getting The Better of Bullying

(NAPSI)– For many students, learning and school excitement can be stifled by caution and worry about bullying–but it can be alleviated. The ProblemChildren who are bullied or who bully others may have lasting difficulties. Bullies are more likely to drop … read more

Black Mental Health

By Ruth Hunter-Hill In early 2021, I found myself very “out of sorts.” Though 2020 was over, I remembered all too clearly the stress the year brought into my life beginning on January 1 with an excruciating headache. By June, … read more

Ice Cream Made with Love for Mom

Historical literatureFrom traditional bound books to digital formats, there’s a practically endless list of titles dedicated to historical people, places and events. If you have an interest in a particular topic, consider starting with a non-fiction book that gives a … read more