Are Your Goals Worth Pursuing

lebron jamesBy Brandi Hale

When you were younger you may have been taught, when you dream, dream big.  In addition to having a dream, it is even more essential to have a vision of your goals.  Even more so it is important to write down your goals so that you remain focused on achieving your goals.  Nevertheless, there are times when you will begin to question the worthiness of your goals.  This may be attributed to doubt, lack of confidence, confusion, and other feelings that may deter you from pursuing your goals.  When this happens, it is important to evaluate your goals and how you can achieve these goals you have set for yourself.

Everyone possesses dreams they desire to accomplish in their lifetime.  For you it may be going to college and beginning a career to change lives.  While for your friends it may be getting a driver’s license and buying a car.  Goals are established all throughout your life.  Although as you get older your goals may change, the steps involved in obtaining your goals are significantly the same.  Needless to say, goal setting is essential in ensuring you are putting forth the effort to learn something new, experience new opportunities, or even in meeting new people.  Needless to say, there are a few things you will want to consider when evaluating if your goals are worth pursuing.  Here a few tips you can apply in the assessment of your goals:

Tip #1 – Is Your Goal Realistic – Determine if this goal is realistically attainable.  You can conduct research on Google or even discuss your goals with a mentor to understand the dynamics involved in achieving this goal.

Tip #2 – How Long Will it Take to Obtain Your Goal – Identify how much time you will have to put into obtaining this goal.  Establish daily, weekly, and monthly deadlines that will contribute to the attainment of your goal.

Tip #3 – Determine the Steps You Will Need to Take – Write down all the steps involved and develop a plan of action.  It is important to have a plan to know the steps involved, where you are in the process, and if you are on schedule in fulfilling the goal.  Consider developing a schedule to keep you on track.

Tip #4 – Identify Possible Challenges & Obstacles – It is always difficult to predict the unexpected, however it is important to identify challenges and obstacles that may knock you off course.  This is important as it will aid you in establishing contingency plans that you can implement to obtain your goal.

Tip #5 – What do You Expect to Gain – Sit back and think about how you will feel when you accomplish this goal.  Determine if your goal has a purpose and what purpose it serves.  Also, consider how your success may impact those around you and how you can use what you obtained to help others.

Tip #6 – What Sacrifices Will You Have to Make – Determine what you will have to give up to achieve this goal you have set for yourself.  Maybe it’s sacrificing time, money, or even friendships.  Keep these sacrifices in the back of your mind so if they ever do surface you are prepared to address them.

Sometimes you can set yourself up for failure if you do not assess your goals and identify how these goals will be accomplished.  As a result, when you fail in obtaining a specific goal you can easily become discouraged and unmotivated because of the lack of preparation.  It is important to understand how your goals are connected.  Oftentimes you can become overwhelmed by all the steps involved in obtaining a long-term goal.  When you establish short-term goals that will eventually lead up to a long-term goal, it can seem less intimidating.  Nevertheless, with a little sacrifice, determination, strategy, and a vision you can make your goal a reality.  Remember, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.  Believe in yourself and make it happen!