Who Are You…Really?

Full of JoyBy Le’Juana Searcy

Does your true character take the lead when you walk in the room, or are you walking in the shoes of someone else?  A lot of teens struggle with who they are deep down inside and take the easy way out and conform to fit in, even if it feels uncomfortable…
Perhaps, you know who you are, somewhat, but you are not happy with the skin you are in at times.  Change can become a reality and you can discover your true self (the characteristics that mirrors your best, smartest, and strongest self); the first step to any change is admitting what you need to work on, before you can unleash the incredible person you are meant to be.

You are not the negative definition or label people have tried to stick on you; you don’t have to let negative words define you, and they won’t unless you start acting them out and believing them to be true. People can be cruel at times and take your mistakes and use them against you, but you are not defined by flaws in this life, because everyone makes mistakes and have had regrets.  One of the most invaluable gifts that you can give to yourself is self-awareness and confidence.

We cannot be defined by the things around us, but by the empowering things within us. Feeling good about yourself is fleeting if it is based on clothes, money, outer appearance, or the opinion of other people. We live in a very judgmental world where people are quick to express negativity.  That is why it is so important to know who you are – first and foremost, in order to not crumble under insensitive comments. You can’t control how other people feel or what they say about you, but you can contradict their opinions by choosing to exemplify a healthy attitude about yourself.

Displaying your best personal image, speaks volumes about how you truly feel about yourself inside. Stephen Covey, the author of 7 habits of Highly Effective People wrote,” I can’t hear what you are saying, because your actions are speaking louder than your words.”  It’s time to let constructive actions and thoughts guide what you are saying about yourself and other people.

Sidney J. Harris, an American Journalist for the Chicago Daily News states “Ninety percent of the world’s distress comes from people not knowing themselves, their abilities, their frailties, and even their real virtues. Most of us go almost all the way through life as complete strangers to ourselves.”  You can spend time discovering who you are by reading content that encourages you, promotes positivity, and by surrounding yourself with people who will build you up and not tear you down.

Change and a new belief system does not happen overnight; it takes dedication and patience. Don’t give up on your journey towards being all you can be…discover your best self every day and walk- the-walk, because when you do, just like the brilliance of the finest diamond, nothing can steal your shine!